Today, we’re going to play a game.
Yes, an internet game, called what if..
How does it work? Simple. I will ask you a “what if” question and you’ll ponder it whenever you read it, reflect on it, and do something with what you come up with – in whatever way that looks like for you.
So here it goes.
What if I let go of every trauma, block, and negative experience that holds me back?
What would my life look like if I were to do this? How would things be different?
I can see several ways my life would be different. If I let go of all my anxiety, I would stress less, sleep more, and be overall happier about my life, despite the outside circumstances (a current year into the global pandemic and province wide shut down – can’t even get a haircut).
What this means, is I would make the best of the situation for what it is allowing. For the possibility of more creativity and more time to work on myself, my mindset and my dreams. For the endless time I get to spend with my family, and my dog. For every blessing I already have I would pay more attention to.
What about relationships? If I let go of everything I’ve done that makes me feel as though “I’m bad” in the eyes of others, I would let go of what others think of me, and allow myself the space to be myself. Fully and freely.
After letting go of all of this I’ve pursued my dream of writing, and published several books for all ages. My name is known world wide as a best selling author, speaker, and healer. I’ve healed thousands of clients and groups through my unique healing philosophy.
I’ve started a membership program and coached numerous women from insecure in their skin, to shining and thriving in who they are. I’m called a thought leader by the New York Times, and I’ve also been crowned a modern philosopher amongst Hume, Kant, and Locke. I’m proud of myself for creating this life, and not settling for what society dictated as normal.
My life has expanded in a year alone, I’ve met the love of my life, and because I let go of everything in my past, every hurt, pain, and fear is now dissolved with the power of love. I’m excited and happy about the future, which if you’d asked me a mere four years ago was something I was not excited about.
The Universe is always talking to you. In fact as I’m writing this, The Climb by Miley Cyrus is playing, and if you’ve heard this song you know the lyrics “It’s not about what’s on the other side, it’s the climb” ringing true for exactly what I’m writing about.
It’s the journey through the pain that gets you to the clarity you’re seeking.
So what if…. What if you gave up your doubt. What if you gave up your disbelief. What if you traded in drama for abundance, and all those other things our primal mind holds onto for grace, peace, and knowing.
What if, instead of thinking, you just started to listen to your knowing.
What would you know?
What would be different if you listened to yourself? Trusted your judgement before anyone else’s?
I guess that’s all for today. I know that this will spark a curiosity within you that brings something to the surface.