What does divine timing mean? How exactly do we surrender to the Universe? What does all of this magical jargon mean? This is how I felt until I discovered that it’s actually a philosophy of buddhist origin and one of the principles of Reiki Healing.
Let me tell you about the concept of divine timing, as I’ve studied and come to understand it experientially.
What is Divine Timing?
It comes down to a simple belief “every moment is exactly the way it is supposed to be” this belief roots itself in determinism where it’s theorized that every moment is predetermined.
What the heck does that mean then? Is my life is preplanned? No, far from that. It actually means that the situation you’re in was predetermined by your soul. The people you meet are predetermined by your vibration, or energetic frequency.
If we look at predeterminism in this way, it allows you to accept the divine perfection of every moment. It allows you to accept your current reality in a new way.
What is not predetermined is the choices you make. This is how the idea of consequentialism comes into play here.
The choices you make are not necessarily predetermined, but the path that you are on, is taking you to lessons that you came here to learn.
It’s that common phrase “everything happens for a reason” which is reflective in nature, but holds the idea that everything that has happened served a higher purpose, was supposed to happen in order to complete something, or taught you a lesson in some way.
Magic of Surrendering
Along with the idea of Divine Timing comes the surrender to it.
This is the part of manifestation and life, honestly, that a lot of us have trouble with.
Our experiences, patterns of behaviour, thoughts, and relationships can all keep us in a control mode. When you’re in control mode, you’re asking others for validation of your choices, beliefs and behaviours. It also extends into appearances, as we fear judgement and attempt to limit ourselves to fit others instead of us, who we know ourselves to be.
The magic comes from letting all the pressure of conforming and following societal standards go, and releasing the tight, suffocating grip that is held from control mode.
Releasing this, allowing yourself to be in existence, show up how you like, increases your own belief that you are safe. This calms the nervous system and allows you to function better.
You become happier, and this leads to more fun, then more opportunities, then more MONEY honey! and then you realize that you’re manifesting your vortex, all that stuff you want is finally happening and you let go of everything you thought you wanted and let go and have fun. Once you begin to enjoy the moment, joy itself, increases.
This is the magic of Divine Timing and Surrender.
Spirituality is individual. That means that everyone has different ways of conceptualizing what spirituality means to them. Your views on divine timing may differ from mine because I have different experiences than you.
It’s similar to philosophy, everyone has a different one, but it’s the same thing conceptually.
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