Here are 5 things I believe every role model should know.
Being a role model is not an easy job.
1. Being a Role Model is a Privilege
If you are considered a role model by even one person, this is a great honour.
It’s not something that is asked of you, but bestowed upon you by your actions, courage, and fearlessness.
Those who are often considered heroes are also considered role models.
It’s because of their difference, their extraordinary influence, that they become role models.
2. You’re an Indirect Teacher
Leading by example is the essence of role modelling.
I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again, everyone who comes into your life is teaching you something.
This does not mean that it is always a positive lesson, some people simply teach you what you don’t want.
Someone who teaches you this is not a negative role model per say, but they are absolutely teaching you something indirectly about yourself, and about who you want to become.
Role models are indirect teachers, because not every role model knows who is looking up to them, or why.
It’s vital that if you’re in a position to be seen as a role model, that your actions, intentions, and character reflect the best of you.
You never know who you are influencing.
3. It’s Easier Than Ever to be a Role Model
With the rise of social media, there are many people viewing your content and watching you who can easily learn social norms by what you’re doing and sharing.
These days, if you have social media, or a blog, you’re influencing someone who you don’t know in real life.
As magical as that can be, to have a global impact, it’s important to remember that everything you write, post, say in a video, or produce online may be taken differently, and translated into something you never meant it to.
Being a good role model requires certain characteristics, or traits that people look for, similar to heroes, when they look up to someone.
Leaders are noted as role models for breaking the mold and thinking outside the box.
Every good leader knows that leading by example, especially in a position of authority, is key to leadership.
It takes integrity to become a good leader, and hard-work to become a role model who makes a lasting impact.
4. Every role model has a role model of their own
Dogs are the best role models.
In fact, my dog has his own wisdoms to impart on the world through my ability to write and express his quirks.
“Copying is the biggest form of flattery” is something I’ve repeatedly heard.
But even more flattering is taking something that someone else is doing, and doing it your own way.
Every influencer, is influenced by someone else.
What matters is how you translate that influence onto others.
5. Your impact is not always your choice, but your actions are
In this digital world, everyone has a story to tell, and everyone is telling it.
Social impact is easier than ever! That’s not a bad thing, though.
The problem occurs when our choices don’t align with the impact we want to have on the world.
Have you heard about James Charles? The Makeup YouTuber who backstabbed Tati, and released an apology.
He received mentorship from Tati, who is an experienced Makeup YouTuber, and signed a contract with a company that is in direct competition with her own company after attending her brand events.
James Charles is known in the Beauty community as the black sheep for being a “bad role model”.
At the end of the day, it’s all about choices. It’s all about the cause and effect of those choices and the consequences of the actions we take everyday as a result of our choices.
Maybe James is not a bad role model, but a role model for those who wonder how to make their name known.
Bad press is still press, and he is still famous, no matter the type of impact he has, there is still impact.
Everything we write, share, post, and film is evidence of who we are.
It’s all up to you who you want to be, and what kind of impact you want to have on the world.
Being a role model is not a choice, but a privilege, honour and trait of a leader.
With love and light,
Stay true stay weird.
~~ Kristina