Before writing this post, I centred myself to channel reiki which means that I am writing, inspired by Reiki; I’m calling it Reiki Writing. If you don’t know what Reiki is, I answer that question here.
Reiki = Love
The universe has a message. That message has come through other people before me, and is the same.
Love is the way.
Sometimes, I feel like I have only one message, and that I say it once and that’s all I can say.
If I say it here, will I be able to say it again? We are taught not to repeat ourselves, or that repetition is annoying. But it is used as a literary device to show the stability and strength of an argument. So maybe repetition does not show as a negative.
Either way, the message I receive from the universe consists of
Embodying love, self compassion, forgiveness, and truth is the highest power of being human.
There is no power in anger, just destruction. There is no power in judgement, just lack.
No truth exists in conflict, except separation.
Follow the path of love, and the light will shine through the forest of pain. It will heal the destruction of anger, and fill the separation of conflict.
We are conditioned in a human world, not a spiritual world. The ways of man are different than the ways of spirit.
This reiki writing message is channel to you through me. I am inspired by the healing energy I am attuned to channeling.