Happy Day 2 of Sunflower June 🌼!
Today’s topic is all about connection and the value of self connection.
What do you think of when you first hear the word connection? It’s easy to conclude that connection is two things, different things, coming together to make a whole; but is that the real meaning of connection?
If we agree with the definition above, then it’s confusing to consider what self connection means. Ideally, a person who is conscious of self is connected. However, I don’t agree with this.
Many other philosophers of psychology theorized the self as multiple parts; some are not accessible by conscious awareness. With this idea, then does it change what we understand connection to mean?
Today’s message about self-connection is that we must be aware of the process of alignment that we are taking in everyday action. Yes, this awareness, this consciousness allows for greater personal freedom, which is the pathway to everything you are wanting in your life.
What is self-connection?
We are able to connect with our higher self through processes which raise our vibration. One such method is meditation, another could be writing. Another could be piano, music, and other creative outlets. All such activities release pleasant emotions, usually. If there is underlying frustration, then there is resistance.
Self-connection exists as independence, freedom, joy, and trust in knowing that you are worthy of your deepest desires.
Sometimes life can get the best of us, and we disconnect, or dissociate from ourselves. I’ve experienced this, for most of my adult life I would disconnect from my physical body when something stressful happened. The result is outbursts of anger, yelling and screaming, as a defence toward the emotional impact of the stressful event.
Family is the biggest trigger for trauma because we spend so much time with our immediate family throughout childhood, this is where beliefs are formed, relationships are taught and embodied. If those who are around us aren’t connected, it will be harder for the result to be healthy and prosperous.
How can we get from disconnection to self-connection?
In order to pivot from disconnection to self connection, it’s necessary to redefine who you are to yourself. This means going through the process of defining who you are, taking note of stresses and releasing experiences from the past.
It doesn’t stop when the past is clear and peaceful, the journey of healing and connection continues onwards as a continuous cyclical process of learning how to process events when they happen; as Abraham Hicks calls it contrast.
There are three key elements to be aware of when transitioning into self-connection, they are attention, intention, and ease of tension.
Where our attention is focused can be brought into awareness through thoughts, and words. Be careful where you are focusing your attention.
Living with intention means thinking proactively about your actions, ideas, and planning for the upcoming weeks. I often set intentions for business, social, and exercise related activities. The intention behind these goals and actions leads to an easier outcome.
Intention: Show up fully in the moment
Action: Focus solely on what I am doing, creating, and in charge of.
The example above shows how powerful words are when setting intentions and intended actions. The intention maintains a general statement because using specific language creates conditionals which create negative expectations. There are no conditionals when stating an intention.
Amplify the power of self connection by using a bracelet.
The physical bracelet allows for focused attention. While setting an intention, focusing your energy on a physical object is amplifying the energy; thus allowing the ease of tension in the body.
This process of connection uses these three key concepts and our own consciousness to assist with self-connection.
It’s most important to remember that everyone connects with themselves differently. My idea of self connection is creating bracelets, writing, and being with my dog.
The healing journey is also very personal. It’s not to be compared to anyone else’s journey. Just as someone’s writing sounds different, their journey also carries a single experience that is incredibly personal.
Stay tuned for more fun posts all about creating joy, peace, and harmony in our daily life!
With love and light,
~~~ stay true stay weird ~~~
~~ Kristina