In this crazy busy world, it can be hard to fully trust ourselves and understand where we fit in this universe. How to trust your inner self gives advice on building a relationship of trust with yourself with strategies and actions to build inner trust.

Mindful Meditation
Reflection on the mindful meditation course I took over the weekend. What it taught me about myself and how it came at the exact moment I needed it, even though it was booked months in advance.

Cirque Du Soleil
Have you ever been to the Circus? This post is a review of the Cirque Du Soleil Alegria show, with pictures and tidbits of the show and how it impacted me.

Reiki Primer & FAQ
Reiki is the universal life energy. It is not tied to any specific religion and can help to heal past traumas. If you’re wondering why working with me will benefit you, read this post!

Chapter 7: Man of my Dreams
Nate chases after Katie, telling her he has something important to tell her. When he grabs her hand, the connection is so strong, she knows that he’s her light. He’s the one who saved her. Will he brighten her whole world?

Universal Consciousness
Is energy a thing that all humans have, or is it just a spiritual idea that is thrown around by those who have been enlightened? I argue here that all humans produce the same energy from consciousness and therefore have the same baseline energy.

Autumn Life Lessons
Wanna know my lessons for the season of autumn? Read here and look at some silly photos of me and my fur sister Wolfie.

Selfie Style
Everyone loves taking pictures, but do you ever take selfies? I love taking selfies, and I even think that there’s a style to it! Selfies with friends, selfies with dogs, and selfies others take of you, there are so many possibilities for selfies, better get your selfie, I mean, self, excited!

Chapter 6: Darkness Raging
In chapter 5, Katie realizes the mystery woman is someone she knew a long time ago. Her darkness rages and she becomes angry, Harvey pushes her against the wall and she runs out of his apartment in a fit of anger.

Philosophy of Metaphysics
What is metaphyiscs? In this post, I break down the meaning of the word and the origins of the philosophy of metaphysics, discuss why it matters and what kinds of questions are posed by this kind of philosophy. I also answer one question and will answer the rest at another time.