Hey internet friends! Today’s post is called Confessions of an Instagram (IG) addict because over the past 6 years I have been obsessed with this platform as a method of sharing my life, stories about experiences, and now my business. It’s funny to think how this platform started, as sharing only photos and connecting with…

The Power of Personal Storytelling
Alright friends! This post is setting up the OISE U of T session presenting on Twitter June 8 @ 11 am all about the power of personal storytelling and the connection that lies within them. I’ll be presenting my grandmother’s story, I call her Nonni, as my Italian heritage dictates the names used for grandparents….

15 Journal Prompts for Self Connection
Is it day 4 already?! Get ready for today’s post with 15 journal prompts for self connection. 🌼 If you’re unfamiliar with journalling, these journal prompts are a great place to start! The aim of each is to learn more about yourself and what you consider self-connection. The Journal Writing Process As you begin writing…

Philosophy of Connection
Happy Day 2 of Sunflower June 🌼! Today’s topic is all about connection and the value of self connection. What do you think of when you first hear the word connection? It’s easy to conclude that connection is two things, different things, coming together to make a whole; but is that the real meaning of…

Inspiration Through Intention Setting
WELCOME TO A NEW MONTH! A NEW BEGINNING, A FRESH START! This month’s series is called Sunflower June and focuses on three keywords; peace, joy, and harmony! Today’s post discusses how to gather inspiration through the process of intention setting. How can inspiration come from the process of setting intentions? Over the past three months,…

11 Weeks of Quarantine Reflections
On March 17, St. Patrick’s Day, I began my self isolation. The beginning of what would turn into 11 weeks of quarantine, started that day. The ways I have grown are astronomical, astounding, and beyond my own comprehension. Accomplishments are possible, depression is conquerable, and I am grateful for the abundance around me everyday. What…

Healthy Living Inside & Outside
Happy Friday friends! Today’s post is a philosophical analysis of Arbonne’s new philosophy healthy living to improve, mind, body, and skin, or healthy living, inside and outside. You may read this and wonder why I called it a new philosophy. In January this year, Arbonne turned 40! The company also has a new CEO who…

7 Keys to Introspection
I just posted yesterday’s post onto LinkedIn, and as I was writing the intro, some hashtags popped up, one of which was introspection. Today’s post is all about introspection, how to do it, what it is, and 7 keys to Introspection for the beginner philosopher. What is introspection? Introspection, (from Latin introspicere, “to look within”), the…

How To Inspire Your Future Self
It’s easier to say it than to write it! I wrote about this situation and how a shift storm can cause you to reconsider and pivot according to the contrast of what you don’t want in your life. But how do you get to the place where you do know what you want? Sometimes it…

What to do when life turns on you
For some of us, it may not be so easy to focus on feeling good or maintain an optimistic outlook. I want you to know, that’s ok. And if you are struggling in this place, where life sucks, I can empathize. After spending most of my adult life in that mental place, I can understand…