Our mind is a powerful thing, and we still don’t fully understand just how powerful it is, nor how It works. Our minds create our reality and this law is proven daily when you think about a great idea and then go do it. Our mind also creates limits and keeps us small and safe…

What if…
What if you gave up every block, doubt, fear and thing that holds you back from shining? How would your life be different? What would it look like if you freed yourself from the prison of the thinking mind? What would you know?

7 Methods for Releasing the Past
Hi beautiful friends! It’s been a hot minute !! Today marks the start of a BRAND NEW SERIES!! YES seriously! This month marks the LAST of a whirlwind of a year! It completes a bunch of cycles for me, and marks the start of a new decade of my life, as well as a new…

3 Limiting Beliefs and How to Remove them
Fear, criticism, judgement, assumptions – all of these characterize the limitations of beliefs, also called limiting beliefs. Throughout this year of miraculous blessings, I’ve learned so much about myself through personal development programs. In one of the sessions, the topic was limiting beliefs and how to free yourself from them. As a philosopher in love…

Emotions Spirituality and Stoicism
What do emotions, spirituality and stoicism all have in common? Other than being experiences of humanness, there is not much that comes to mind. This post aims to enlighten you as to how each of these three topics in their general forms intertwine. Emotions What are emotions? We all have them, feel them and experience…

5 Signs You’re Ready to Start Healing and Where to Start
Hey friends! It’s been a hot minute since I last wrote a post! I’ll be honest, A LOT has changed, including my age! I know, happy belated birthday to me, and thank you for acknowledging this new age I’ve entered into. This post is all about healing! What it is, why it is a thing,…

My Playlist for Embracing Uncomfortable Change
Plato said that music is what completes the soul. I’m not a musician, but from what I know about my own views about music, there is identity within music. For me, music is what assists in embracing uncomfortable change. Hopefully my recommendations can help you embrace change too. Certain artists, genres, and vibes of music…

How to keep going when the world is a mess
Sometimes I wonder if im the only one who consistently goes through cycles of feeling wonderful, and then feeling like shit. The last three weeks have been shit. Actually, the last 8 weeks have been really tough for me. From being rejected by multiple people, to getting shingles on my head, to the lack of…

Abolish Overthinking With These 5 Philosophical Principles
Happy Monday lovely! It’s the final full week of Sunflower June. Today’s post offers 5 principles to stop overthinking in its tracks! If you’re like me and struggle with constant overthinking as a conditioned habit from life, then you’ll want to keep reading. Before getting into the principles to quit overthinking, I want to address…

Energy Healing, and Crystals
Happy Friday! Can you believe it’s already day 19 of June? Today I tell the story of energy healing, and crystals to mark the launch of my bracelet collection. Today’s post is all about energy, healing, and crystals. These three intertwine in unique ways, my goal is to explain how they intertwine and why it’s…