What do Miracles, Magic, & Magnetism have in common?
Besides the letter M connecting all of these words, there is a sense of wonder that I feel from each of them.
Miracles exist in this world, though a lot of skepticism exists around them.
Characteristics of a Miracle
Philosophers and great minds alike have tried to define what a miracle is, and how to bring one into your life. I’d like to discuss what the feeling of a miracle is, as I believe it is not the kind of thing we can define in practical terms.
When we use this word, it usually accounts for something that was difficult, until all of a sudden, or through significant work, it became a reality.
Miracles are babies, where parents had a struggle with fertility
Miracles are children, who get glasses and can see all the beautiful colours of the world like never before.
Teachers are miracle workers, as they get students to connect with their work and understand the value of learning.
So much positivity radiates from the word miracle.
This makes me wonder why society stuff it in a corner where only the impossible exists.
Why we need Magic
What is magic?
Is it really a thing that we can use, and not science-fiction?
Is there a possibility within magic that we run away from for fear of believing in the impossible?
Magic is something you make, become, and radiate as you become more connected with yourself.
There’s a feeling of joy, comfort, and ease that follows with magic.
My association of magic comes from the game Sims Makin’ Magic which was an expansion pack released when I was a teenager and my sister spent a lot of time playing.
I always wondered if the things we could do in the game were possible in real life, as it is a game based on human life, it would follow that anything we can create as possible would be possible.
If you search magic in google the first result is for a fantasy game and the next is for the act of magic, and performance.
Attempting to define magic, is similar to defining philosophy, you know what it is, but cannot articulate what it is exactly.
How does Magnetism fit here?
According to wikipedia, magnetism is the force of electromagnetic currents which pull and push certain physical substances.
In simple terms, it’s a force that brings things closer, or pushes them away, repels them from you.
I believe, that our physical bodies contain irons, and other metals, which allows for this magnetic pull between people. There’s a reason some people are drawn to others, and others are repelled, not everyone is attracted to your magnetism.
However, this is an innate human physical quality, our blood contains iron, which is the common factor in all humans. Iron also played a large role in creating the universe, and allows us to be connected to existence through this unifying factor.
On a magnet there are two poles, a negative and a positive. Two opposite poles stick together, and two same poles repel each other.
This concept is true in relationships, if your internal state of polarity does not match a friends, or parents, there will be conflict.
I’m not saying the iron in your body will propel you toward conflict, but that the likeness of different views will occur.
This idea is seen as law of attraction, and spoken of by many as one of the laws of the universe.
If you focus upon what you want, the positive side of the magnet, you will begin to get more positive things in your life, but if you focus upon the negative, or seeing the stuff that you don’t have then you will continue to see the lack in your life.
What do Magic, Miracles, and Magnetism all have in common?
These three concepts embody a sense of wonder, curiosity, and awe that are necessary for keeping imagination alive.
Einstein was known for living in imagination, and the realm of possibilities.
For it is in the world of abstract forms that we create the physical realities around us.
There is only possibility, and unlimited potential in the universe, why limit the ideas we have to reality?
Looking for miracles, won’t bring more miracles, because you’re seeking them out and placing mental control upon the outcome, which creates a limiting mindset.
In order to change this mindset, believe in the possibility, and wonder about how it could come about. Picture in your mind the best possible outcome, and then go about your regular day.
Magnetism is created by believing more and more in the realm of possibility, and seeing the unlimited vastness of the universe.
It’s all easy to say, and at the end of the day this is all for the love of wisdom. So my wisdom is to see the benefits of believing in things that are not possible and become as well known as Disney.
With love and light,
~~ stay true, stay weird ~~
~~ Kristi