Inspiration and motivation are common terms. This post compares inspiration vs. motivation and looks at the similarities and differences between the terms.
Inspiration; The process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, especially to do something creative.
Motivation; A reason or reasons for acting or behaving in a particular way.
Inspiration vs. Motivation Debate
Inspiration is defined as the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, especially in terms of creativity.
To be inspired is a feeling that brings focus, creativity, joy, and happiness with it.
These feelings are not rational.
Emotions are not based on a decided controlled action, but are the basis for action.
Motivation is defined with reasons for acting and behaving a certain way. It is often suggested that motivation leads to action.
When choosing which idea to assign to a goal, inspiration vs. motivation, it is important to ask some critical questions about the terms.
Does Inspiration Last Longer?
In the debate of Inspiration vs. Motivation, which one lasts longer? Does inspiration ever dissipate in the same ways that motivation might? Why?
My definition of inspiration breaks down the word as in-spiration.
I see it as coming from within.
There is no one outside of me who can inspire me, unless I can see that inspiration within myself.
It goes hand-in-hand with passion. What inspires me is also what I’m passionate about.
Philosophy inspires me. I am passionate about seeing many perspectives and understanding different ideas.
Passions and inspirations come from experience, especially when I was younger.
Art inspires me. Beads, and creating jewelry inspires me.
Inspiration lasts longer because it is connected to an inner wisdom. It is not connected to a single object of desire, but a desire in and of itself.
Inspiration vs. Motivation
As defined above, the inspiration vs. motivation debate defines motivation as based in reason, rational thinking and a goal to achieve through action.
In this case, inspiration can lead to a motivated action. However, motivation cannot lead to inspiration.
A motivated action is one which has a rationale behind it, meaning that I have thought about why I want to do something and have used my cognitive function (reason) in order to produce this rationale.
Motivated action: I want to lose 50lbs.
Rationale: I am overweight and always fatigued, I want to look sexy for others and feel good when attracting a partner.
Inspired action: Be healthy, live my best life.
Inspiration: living is a gift, and my body is a temple, I should feel good and radiate goodness to others!
The difference in language can be obvious and so there is more power in the inspired action than in the motivated action.
The rational behind the motivated action is to feel good for others. The rationale behind an inspired action is to live for me.
Why do we lose Motivation?
If you search “motivation” on google, you’ll find many, plenty even, resources on how to become motivated and how to keep your motivation.
The terms inspiration and motivation mean different things, but are in a similar category.
Motivation refers to something outside yourself, that motivates internally to get to a goal, or an intended result or desire.
Inspire means to excite, encourage, or breathe life into. Inspire comes from the Latin word that means to inflame or to blow in to. When you inspire something, it is as if you are blowing air over a low flame to make it grow. A film can be inspired by a true story.
Motivation is the word derived from the word ‘motive’ which means needs, desires, wants or drives within the individuals. It is the process of stimulating people to actions to accomplish the goals. In the work goal context the psychological factors stimulating the people’s behaviour can be – desire for money. success.
Inspiration comes from passion, and is found inside yourself.
We often lose motivation, because there is a lack of internal inspiration for the action.
Linguistics is a branch of philosophy that deals with the meaning of words.
It is fun to think about what words mean, and why they mean similar, yet different things.
The thing to remember is, we choose which words we use. If I choose to say this blog is inspired, it is simpler to write my posts.
If I choose to say this blog motivates me, then it simply means I must add a goal, or a means to an end of the blog.
Ex: Every time I write, I am so inspired!
Ex: Every time I write I am so motivated… to write.
alt: I am so motivated to write by the inspiration of speaking with my friend today!
See how the conversation sparked inspiration, which led to motivation, in order to produce a piece of writing?
That’s how it works.
With love and light,
Stay true, stay weird
Thank you for reading.
~~ Kristina