Prompt: Are you the same person you were last year? Five years ago? Ten years ago? Tell us how you have (or haven’t) changed.
After my quarter century reflection I can clearly say I am not the same person I was last year.
I am not the same person I was at 21, or even at 19.
The best year before this one, occured when I was 18 turning 19 and entering my second year of university.
My cousin and I spent the summer working out together and setting goals for eating well and running often.
She inspired me to be vegan and change my eating habits.
I weighed 180lbs and was happy about my life.
I met one of my soul sisters this year.
I failed my symbolic logic course this year.
I got so drunk that I bit one of my friends this year, yes you read that right.
Being in school has been a big part of my life.
I spent 17 years in mandatory school and another 6 consecutive years in higher education.
After this much education I still learn and absorb information on a daily basis.
As a teacher I am teaching and learning how to be a better teacher for my students constantly.
In many ways I am still the same person, but my dimensional self has changed.
I use the phrase dimension-al because it allows me to see the depth of myself and see the different depths of my inner being.
My self love dimension bloomed this past year.
Following this burst of love, my confidence grew and I’ve come out of my shell.
I started this blog 2 years and 2 months ago. It says so on my LinkedIn profile.
Even though I posted irregularly and used it as an outlet for my emotions, I considered it something valuable.
Blogging scared me.
Fear is a big monster. It’s the thing that tells you no one wants to hear your story.
No one cares about your personal life enough to hear about everything you’ve been through.
No employer wants to know that you write about your personal experiences on the internet.
But those are excuses!
It’s not real.
The truth is, my story matters.
Because if my story inspires ONE person, then I’ve made an impact on that person.
I had a conversation with one of my mentors about my WHY.
I told him it’s about my future, I don’t want to be where I’ve been and I want to go further than where I am.
He said that’s amazing.
Powerful even.
But where do you want to go?
If you think of the destination as an island you are building a bridge to, what would that island look like.
Instantly I muttered,
I want to be a motivational speaker. Share my story of where I started and what pushed me to inspire others to the same success.
To propel those who need just a little more reason to dream.
The main reason I can dream again is because of the people around me who mentor me.
Constantly encouraging me to progress, and push for more progress.
Bigger dreams, bigger goals.
It must be a thing for my generation to want to be a coach or inspirational person, because so many of us have a story to share.
The thing about stories, is they are the essence of humanity.
History? Just a bunch of stories.
Philosophy? Just a bunch of people thinking about things and telling other people. You guessed it, stories!!!
Movies? Yup, stories too! That’s a story you take in with ears and eyes.
Music? Well, that’s a story you perceive with your ears.
This world functions on information, stories are the common denominator.
After thoughts…
Defining who you are is a journey.
With light and love, I bless your day.
Stay true stay weird.
~~ Kristina