Conflict is not a fun experience, but there is a reason for it. Conflict shows us a reflection of something our higher self is trying to communicate to us.
What is this conflict trying to teach you?
Having a fight with your best friend about seemingly nothing, extends further into something our subconscious is reacting to and our ego is protecting us from.
Instead of allowing the defence mechanism, try acknowledging where the conflict is coming from. This is the first step to healing.
A true and authentic friendship does not exist within the bounds of blame.
True friendship knows only about love and what we are feeling can sometimes cloud our friendships.
If we are feeling lost, vulnerable, lonely, and depressed, then these feelings can extend, not intentionally, but subconsciously into fights with those we are closest to. The reason being, is we think with flawed logic when we are stressed;
“If this person really loves me, they will reassure me that I am perfect and they are in fact in the wrong”
“I am not to blame, because I already have so much going on, it was the other person who twisted my words and said the wrong thing”
These projections, these contingencies, are circular and flawed. When we love a friend, truly, and authentically, there are no contingencies, there is just love.
This extends further; to healing.
When we love ourselves we are able to love others more authentically and lead with love.
When love is real, there is no judgment, no fear, no shame of hard conversations.
All of these fears and doubts come from past experiences.
When we heal these negative experiences, then we begin to understand why we had them and begin to learn and to grow within ourselves.
Everything around us changes from conflict, into pureness, pureness of heart, love, and light; both emotional lightness, and physical light that shines through us.
Learning to trust after having trauma in your life is extremely difficult. It is the struggle of the modern world. Our culture has a lot of issues to figure out before we can all become aware of the power of love and kindness.
Thank you for reading.
Lead with love and watch as perspectives held for decades change.
With love and light, stay true stay weird.