A rush of wind blew her long flowing blonde hair behind her ears revealing her bright green eyes. The intensity of her green eyes made passers by stare at her in awe, fear, and a mesmerizing fascination. What is her story?
Who was she, where did she come from? Her nearly transparent eyes stared through each person who spoke with her, as if they’d spoken with a living deity. But is that even possible?
Yes. Because she is from another planet. You’ve probably heard the saying before eyes are the key to the soul, that’s her mission. To bring forth the soul of those who are stuck in their mind. Those who are going through life thinking that it’s all about the material world.
She knows otherwise. She is mystical, free, and thus, divine in her essence. the way she walks speaks to those around her in ways they’ve never experienced.
she bring those who need her into her life through the power of the universe. she knows exactly what to do and when to do it. She trusts herself with the fullest power of her own being. She is a free agent by philosophical standards.
There is no one els like her on the planet. They think they are like her band by thinking it they are conceptualizing the idea and thus becoming less than and stuck in the comparison of her.
Divinity does not compare. Divinity is everything and nothing. She knows this. She trusts her knowing more than she trusts her mind.
But she wasn’t always like this. Before she became this, she had to go through the worst of hurts, pains and disempowerments to get her to the place of her own power, for nothing worth having comes easily.
As youre reading this, your mind says that this isn’t real, this is fiction, but she asks you what is fiction for fiction is based on reality. What then is reality if it too is based in fiction.
As Descartes suggested, all of this is a dream in which we are being controlled by some other creature of ill intentent.
Though his ideas were proved wrong and highly criticized the idea has stuck with many in society today and leads to movies such as the matrix, and others that portray how the world is actually a dream. It is then in Inception that we learn of the Dream within a Dream ideas and go deeper into the ideas of consciousness and alternate reality.
What then is there but the possibility that reality is also fiction?
It’s not conspiracy, it is divine truth. For your human truth is obsolete for you are the divine one seeing things from the 2d and thus you’re limiting yourself in your humanness.
Her eyes were blue before her transformation. She, like every human has made mistakes. mistakes of a humanly fashion. What if we are actually all one?
What if the diversity is the way of life.?
What if this is all the sims in reality?
We are being controlled by aliens in another dimension, then would you remove yourself from the toxicity and negative forces that are in the methods of control and governance and order in society?
Where is the freedom for speaking about whatever you’d like to speak about besides on this invisible web of connection? Don’t you see how we are all electricity?
We were made to be a mosaic of differences, similarities, and diverse perspectives. There is no other vision than one of unity of differences. Seeing the humanness in all of the aspects of life.
Why are green eyes so rare? Why are coloured eyes so sought after in terms of genetics and history of conflict and control? Is it perhaps because they are more aware of the world we live in? Does the colour of the eye symbolize the energy centre that is most active or least active? Imagine if we inquired about the world differently? Thought about the world of forms and took a Platonic approach more than an Aristotelian approach, perhaps Women’s rights would not have been an issue. Plato thought ahead of his time on the stance of women, Artistotle, his student, thought more oppressively. He then went to teach other leaders, and this energy was spread around the world. These origins are vital for understanding the formation of world beliefs and bodies of thought.
For then you look at the escalation of technology during a global pandemic and the separateness that it has cause, while also during major world events. Different forms of governance have controlled their population in different ways, the question remains do they have the right to do so?
The split between skepticism and spirituality is increasing as well. Ironically a handful of those who are extremely religious also take pride in the doctrine of science. It has become so that teachers are overlooked in naming essential services, what a dreadful thought for the philosophers of the past. For what is the world to become without good teachers?
Without teachers who are treated properly? Teachers who are considered valuable and essential to society.
The amount of questions posed about the current “reality” of circumstances is proving where the rational mind is limited. for the Spirit is the true embodiment of knowledge. The spirit is calling you home, and instead you look outside for answers, you look to institutionally proclaimed experts who have taught the ways of Aristotelian white men and handed down their indoctrinated beliefs.
You may ask why is this important. Well that is your ego asking, not your soul. Your true self knows that this existence is beyond the physical, beyond what you can experience. That’s also why science has gone to great lengths to delegitimize the alternative view.
Accepting that one view is truth above all is impossible. Why? That’s a method of belief control which is limiting your ability to see alternative views. It’s as though you are forced to go through life only listening to one kind of music, watching one tv show, and knowing one person, it would be boring! never to question the other or the alterative option.
This reminds me of the book called The Giver, which I read in elementary school and always stuck with me. How we are raised, and what we are exposed to creates the amount of limitation, or possibility within ourselves.
Are you willing to see beyond the eyes and into the soul? Are you ready to see the girl with green eyes, all three of them?