Ever wonder what it means to change your self concept? This post discusses the method used to change the state of conscioussness from external to internal and thus change the state of self concept.

3 Incredible Methods to Reach Your Higher Self Now!
Hey beautiful! This summer flew by! I honestly cannot even believe the amount of things that changed for me, and I’d love to share some of my MIRACLES with you before I discuss how to reach your higher self and the 3 methods I’ve been practicing for the last two years. First I encourage you…

How to find your Authentic Truth
July 6, 2021 Hey friends, I’ve been living in my head dealing with my own mental health, and the one thing that seems to be helping is the way I’ve designed my blog content with certain weekly keywords. With these keywords, I’d normally make a tiktok video, or 3 and talk about the different aspects…

This Is The Magic of Divine Timing and Surrender
What does divine timing mean? How exactly do we surrender to the Universe? What does all of this magical jargon mean? This is how I felt until I discovered that it’s actually a philosophy of buddhist origin and one of the principles of Reiki Healing. Let me tell you about the concept of divine timing,…

Are Masks Increasing Eye Contact?
As society changes and adapts to the new ways of being in the world, masks have also increased. This means that our eyes are the most prominent factor on the face. Does this mean, then, that eye contact is also increasing?

Chapter 1 – The Girl With Green Eyes
A rush of wind blew her long flowing blonde hair behind her ears revealing her bright green eyes. The intensity of her green eyes made passers by stare at her in awe, fear, and a mesmerizing fascination. What is her story? Who was she, where did she come from? Her nearly transparent eyes stared through…

Markers You Need to Try if You Love Journaling
You love journal writing, but you’re not a fan of boring pens? You love colours but don’t want to end up with hundreds of markers that suck? Don’t fret! Today’s post covers the only markers you need to try if you love journaling!

Why does Philosophy matter?
It’s been nearly 5 years since I started this blog, a year and a half of working on it, and writing about philosophy. Since then, I’ve avoiding writing this post because I still questioned what philosophy is and why philosophy matters. The world has since become a weird place where socializing has changed and we’re all stuck at home, so this matters more than ever. Today’s post is attempting to answer the question what is philosophy and why does philosophy matter?

Write from the Heart
This month is all about living a more joyful life. But how can we do that when we’re using only our mind to think about things and analyze them instead of communicating from a place of alignment? Philosophers have contemplated tough questions for centuries, including ones of how we communicate, questions about love and the…

3 Mindset Limits to Living Joyfully
Our mind is a powerful thing, and we still don’t fully understand just how powerful it is, nor how It works. Our minds create our reality and this law is proven daily when you think about a great idea and then go do it. Our mind also creates limits and keeps us small and safe…

What if…
What if you gave up every block, doubt, fear and thing that holds you back from shining? How would your life be different? What would it look like if you freed yourself from the prison of the thinking mind? What would you know?

7 Methods for Releasing the Past
Hi beautiful friends! It’s been a hot minute !! Today marks the start of a BRAND NEW SERIES!! YES seriously! This month marks the LAST of a whirlwind of a year! It completes a bunch of cycles for me, and marks the start of a new decade of my life, as well as a new…

3 Limiting Beliefs and How to Remove them
Fear, criticism, judgement, assumptions – all of these characterize the limitations of beliefs, also called limiting beliefs. Throughout this year of miraculous blessings, I’ve learned so much about myself through personal development programs. In one of the sessions, the topic was limiting beliefs and how to free yourself from them. As a philosopher in love…

Emotions Spirituality and Stoicism
What do emotions, spirituality and stoicism all have in common? Other than being experiences of humanness, there is not much that comes to mind. This post aims to enlighten you as to how each of these three topics in their general forms intertwine. Emotions What are emotions? We all have them, feel them and experience…

5 Signs You’re Ready to Start Healing and Where to Start
Hey friends! It’s been a hot minute since I last wrote a post! I’ll be honest, A LOT has changed, including my age! I know, happy belated birthday to me, and thank you for acknowledging this new age I’ve entered into. This post is all about healing! What it is, why it is a thing,…

How to keep going when the world is a mess
Sometimes I wonder if im the only one who consistently goes through cycles of feeling wonderful, and then feeling like shit. The last three weeks have been shit. Actually, the last 8 weeks have been really tough for me. From being rejected by multiple people, to getting shingles on my head, to the lack of…

Abolish Overthinking With These 5 Philosophical Principles
Happy Monday lovely! It’s the final full week of Sunflower June. Today’s post offers 5 principles to stop overthinking in its tracks! If you’re like me and struggle with constant overthinking as a conditioned habit from life, then you’ll want to keep reading. Before getting into the principles to quit overthinking, I want to address…

Confessions of an Instagram Addict
Hey internet friends! Today’s post is called Confessions of an Instagram (IG) addict because over the past 6 years I have been obsessed with this platform as a method of sharing my life, stories about experiences, and now my business. It’s funny to think how this platform started, as sharing only photos and connecting with…

The Power of Personal Storytelling
Alright friends! This post is setting up the OISE U of T session presenting on Twitter June 8 @ 11 am all about the power of personal storytelling and the connection that lies within them. I’ll be presenting my grandmother’s story, I call her Nonni, as my Italian heritage dictates the names used for grandparents….

Healthy Living Inside & Outside
Happy Friday friends! Today’s post is a philosophical analysis of Arbonne’s new philosophy healthy living to improve, mind, body, and skin, or healthy living, inside and outside. You may read this and wonder why I called it a new philosophy. In January this year, Arbonne turned 40! The company also has a new CEO who…

How To Inspire Your Future Self
It’s easier to say it than to write it! I wrote about this situation and how a shift storm can cause you to reconsider and pivot according to the contrast of what you don’t want in your life. But how do you get to the place where you do know what you want? Sometimes it…

What to do when life turns on you
For some of us, it may not be so easy to focus on feeling good or maintain an optimistic outlook. I want you to know, that’s ok. And if you are struggling in this place, where life sucks, I can empathize. After spending most of my adult life in that mental place, I can understand…

How To Become Authentically Empowered
Before starting the Wildflower May series, I wrote out all of the topics I want to write about that made some sense in going together. However, some posts morphed into new ideas, and others expanded my expectation of what the topic should have been about, at first assumption. This happens to everything we do. My…

Spirituality, Ethics & Detachment
Hey internet friends! Today’s post takes three concepts and aims to break them down and see their interrelatedness. How do spirituality, ethics, and detachment relate to each other? What are the similarities and what philosophy lies behind them? Spirituality According to the dictionary app, Spirituality is the quality of being concerned with the human spirit…

5 Bad Habits To Leave Behind
Happy Mother’s Day to all the mom’s out there putting their children first everyday. Today is day 10 of Wildflower May with the topic of 5 bad habits to leave behind. 1. Complaining It’s time to give up complaining about Sally from work and focus on how you’re being pushed to grow by interacting with…

Truth vs. Honesty
Wow! Day 9 and we’re finally discussing one of the most intricate philosophical topics around! We’re talking Truth vs. Honesty today! To layout a couple of things, for the sake of being honest, here are some updates with what I’m doing during quarantine, and how I’m dealing with the COVID-19 crisis as a silver lining….

5 Ways to be more Authentic
Day 8 of Wildflower May and I’ve written mostly about my experiences of the past and how I’ve come to the place within myself of truth and authenticity. Today’s post offers 5 ways to be more authentic, and maintain authentic friendships, relationships, and connections with others in this weird time we’re all experiencing. The Question…

10 Ways Reiki Healed My Life
One week into Wildflower May and I keep wondering if I should change the topics I’m writing about, either way, I see these as the foundation for who I am and my healing journey. Today’s post discusses how my Reiki attunements changed my life through spiritual healing. What is Reiki? Reiki is a form of…

How Philosophy Opened My Mind and Intelligence
Today we enter day 5 of Wildflower May and discuss how philosophy opened my mind and intelligence. I chose this topic because I’ve discussed how my childhood was a bit different, and my own experiences of school and learning changed when I started to learn about World Religions and Philosophy.

10 Philosophical Mistakes Everyone Makes
It’s exciting to me, as a philosopher to write this post. I believe that mistakes are not problems, but lessons to take from and apply changes going forward. Here are 10 philosophical mistakes that everyone makes when first encountering philosophy. 1. Reading only certain philosophers As a trained philosopher, the biggest mistake one can make…

How to Focus on Feeling Good
Are you stuck in a negative mindset? Struggling to feel good? Here are my steps to focus on feeling good and bring yourself out of negative thinking.

Miracles, Magic and Magnetism
What do miracles, magic, and magnetism all have in common? What feeling do you have when you hear magic? Does it make you wonder if it’s possible, even real? Well, the common denominator is the realm of possibilities!

How Healthy Habits Define Quantum Success
Have you ever wondered how the most successful people go about their daily life? What sort of healthy habits do they maintain in order to achieve what some call Quantum Success? This year, and at the end of 2019, I jumped on the healing train. I hopped in the first seat and said full steam…

Perspective Theory
What is a perspective and is it possible to have no perspective at all? Perspective theory is my view on how we obtain perspective and how to break it down to understand where a perspective comes from and how to change it.

5 Philosophical Questions to Ponder During Quarantine
It’s been a while since I’ve written a post, for purely positive reasons. The last two months have been a transition into my higher, philosophical self. Spiritual teachers call it transcendence; the process of crystallizing and cocooning into your beautiful butterfly self. Over the past 4 weeks, I have been in self-isolation. This isolation is…

4 Things I Learned After Binge Watching Grey’s Anatomy
Whenever I have time off, I sometimes get into this mood of only wanting to watch Netflix and do nothing productive. I found this pattern at the end of 2019 where I watched Greys Anatomy from season 1 to 15 and learned SO much about life through the eyes of Meredith Grey. These lessons don’t…

Advice To My Younger Self
10 pieces of advice I wish my younger self could hear.
This post aims to heal by offering advice I wish someone said to me when I was younger.
Also included is some advice to my future self.

Dress for Success
What does fashion have to do with success? This post discusses the common saying; Dress for the job you want, not the job you have.

The Healing Process
The Healing Process is a journey, not a destination. The more mental health is talked about, the more the journey inward is recognized. Here are my recommendations for starting the healing process. Included are some reflections on my own experiences and how I have healed from changing my perspective on these experiences.

What is forgiveness and how does it work?
Is there more to forgiveness than just, letting go?
If you’re interested in my breakdown of the types of forgiveness, this post is for you!

Remembrance Day
This Remembrance Day brings a moment of silence, and solitude to us. What does remembrance really mean? Why do we take pride in this day, and solace in its meaning?

Best Yourself
This post expands on the idea of inner competition. How can self-competition lead to finding your inner hero? Why is it important to find a hero in yourself? How do you become friends with your inner hero? This post answers these questions with personal stories.

Chapter 9: Will you be Mine
Recap… Suddenly a ringing in my ear brought me back, I’m in my apartment, Leo’s on my bed right beside me. As I move to see my watch, he growls and tries to bite the sheets. Yup. Reality. Was it all a dream? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A knock at my door wakes me up, stumbling out of…

Passion Projects
A personal essay style piece, reflecting on how passion fits into life, and how to cultivate passion projects to fuel and fill your life with passion.

Happy Halloween!
Happy Halloween! What went well in the month of October? How can my blogging improve over the next month? What are some goals that are achievable to set this month? All of those questions are answered and reflected on in this post.

Chapter 6: Darkness Raging
In chapter 5, Katie realizes the mystery woman is someone she knew a long time ago. Her darkness rages and she becomes angry, Harvey pushes her against the wall and she runs out of his apartment in a fit of anger.

Philosophy of Metaphysics
What is metaphyiscs? In this post, I break down the meaning of the word and the origins of the philosophy of metaphysics, discuss why it matters and what kinds of questions are posed by this kind of philosophy. I also answer one question and will answer the rest at another time.

Gratitude Day
What are you grateful for this Thanksgiving? I write out a couple things I am thankful for, and try to be funny while doing so!

World Mental Health Day
Today, October 10th is World Mental Health Day! What do you think this day is about? What does it mean to me? Is one day enough? Read to find out more!

History of Halloween
We celebrate Halloween in Canada because we are told to, but where do these traditions really come from? What are we actually celebrating? How do other parts of the world celebrate Halloween?

Honest Vegan: One Month
It’s been a whole month of sticking to a vegan diet and it feels simple. I’m excited to share what I’ve been eating that is helping me on my journey. How I overcome cravings for meat, cheese and other mainstream foods. Keep reading for more info!

Chapter 3: Stranger from the past
Recap: “Katie? What’s wrong?” Oh, it’s just you. Why are you following me? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “After 5 years, all I can think about is you” Harvey said candidly. Five years ago, I was a different person. What we thought was love, was actually a toxic relationship. I won’t go back. Just because I convinced myself of…

My Running Philosophy
Today’s post is about my running philosophy. When did I start running? I started running in high school. It was at my second high school that I was actually feeling ready to join a team and be part of something where I joined the track and field team. Our field was Queen’s Park in Toronto,…

Self Worth
We’ve all heard of this concept. It goes hand in hand with self love and self discovery. In this post, I’m discussing self worth. What happens when we go through life and fall into patterns that take away our self worth? It lands us right here, reading a post on self worth. How do you…

3 Books for Personal Development
Are you interested in learning more about your spiritual self? Want to finally know what your purpose in life is? Are you living in the past, worried about the future and need something to show you the way? These 3 books on personal development will help. I go over what they’re about and what they can offer you.

Multidimensional Self
What is the self? Where do all the self related topics fit into defining myself? In this article I explain how the multidimensional self is the bringing together of all the dimensions of your being.

5 Ways To Practice Mindfulness
Mindfulness, meditation, stillness, are all over the internet these days. It is easy to read about why mindfulness matters in a hectic world. We can take in the 10 tips for a simple life easily, as they tend to be concepts that we already know about. What about action? What can I actually do today…

Why the World Needs Authenticity
Are you curious about the term Authenticity that is commonly used today? What does authenticity mean, really? Why does the world need it? This post gives ten reasons authenticity is good for you, and offers you ways to introduce authenticity into your life.

Walking on Ice: My Mental Health Journey
I believe that everyone has a mental health journey. This may be the hardest post of my life, but it will be as real and honest as possible. I hope that my readers can learn something from my experience with borderline personality, anxiety, dysthymia, and find the strength to get help, or help a loved one.

Philosophy: Expectations vs. Reality
What to expect of philosophy, in comparison to the realities of philosophy. A fun post from my point of view.

Philosophy of Veganism
What is veganism? Why is veganism important in society today? This post goes over the philosophy behind veganism and why being vegan is not just a trend but a set of morals that guide a person’s diet and lifestyle.

Conflict is the Highest Teacher
There is a lesson in every difficult situation. Read more about what conflict can teach you on my blog!